The real reason why i stopped watching financial influencers… I get it i kinda am a financial influencer and my goal is not to throw shade on anyone here as ive done some of these things myself but im constantly trying to improve and share the things that will really improve peoples finances and things im doing myself.

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28 thoughts on “Why I Stopped Watching Financial Youtubers |”
  1. I'm far from perfect and I'm just some dude sharing the things he is learning and definitely don't hold anything against these guys. They have helped more people then i ever will but this is just why i don't watch most of finance youtube personally. (note i still watch some when i feel its real)

  2. Absolutely, a lot of the stuff on youtube are entertainment.
    The actual learning is still of reading books on subjects of interest,
    otherwise, the viewer will turn 60 and still trying figure out "how to make passive income"

  3. It's really about luck. The right circumstances, and your connections.

    Thanks to my landlord renting to my mom before me, my rent is half the neighborhood. I hate that my rent went up to 650 from 550 which it was for 10 years, but with average rent in my area between 1200 to 1300 a month, he's losing a shitton of money. I split the bill with my loving wife, and we also have no kids, so we got no child care expenses. All in all, my cost of living is ~900 a month, against my $15.61/hr near New York state minimum wage income. I make 32 a year working at walmart.

    TEMU says shop like a billionaire.

    I'm avoiding that crap and saving like a billionaire.

    I deposited 500 for a secured credit card to build my credit and I intend to switch to a gig based job so that I no longer have to deal with unnecessary managers. I'm fully autonomous, I really don't need someone micromanaging me every 5 seconds.

    Most people don't have this experience, most people, my peers specifically, can't make their job work. But due to everything coming together just right, I don't share that experience. I just need to go one more year for an auto loan, then I can work on my own terms.

  4. Yeah, even when people are giving okay advice, it's about how to spend less money and how to invest what you have.

    There isn't a lot of talk about how to have a bigger income, which is probably the most consequential piece – but it's harder to give 1 size fits all video advice on that. So they just gloss over it.

  5. Realest vid I seen in a while, thank you so much for that and the validation that we're not crazy.
    Im not that expert in finance but even at my level, I would look at these and be like "they're not telling me THEIR truth, only their truth and entire thruth"…It's always a mix-bag of fear-mongering, vaguely disclosed sponsor, hype over the next new thing and some promis of silver bullet…
    So annoying.
    Thanks again !

  6. Rule of thumb: if a video, any video, title contains an exclamation mark- proceed with caution.
    If it contains more than one – skip it entirely.
    You will be glad you did.

  7. Telling someone to invest is a far more likely attainable goal than starting a business. You can give someone millions of ideas to start a business and they won't commit.

  8. The video would have been so good if he didn’t advertise his course. He’s basically selling us on this idea that everyone’s financial content is bad and his is so good that’s why you should buy his course…. Talk about hypocrisy

  9. This was one of my concerns before jumping into finance content creation. There’s a lot of illegitimate finance content out there.

    But then I realized that this is an opportunity – an opportunity for Wealth Potion to provide BETTER content, that serves more people, more deeply.

  10. $1 to $2 million is definitely doable if you start early enough, but much more than that is probably not realistic. And even that first million can be incredibly hard if you're not very good with money and able to afford to invest a substantial chunk of change on a regular basis.

  11. Can you make a video about cashless society and the issues of not using cash anymore. I feel like people are not talking about it at all and we are blindly entering cashless dystopia. Unless we normalize more payments with cryptocurrencies maybe..

  12. I watched a ton of Kevin and Graham a few years ago. The clickbait and thumbnails, and lack of real advice was just annoying. Additionally, the never-ending advertising in the video (Kevin-for his own wealth programs) was absolutely ridiculous. Interesting video today. thanks,

  13. You make a very good point, it's extremely important to be aware of these things. That being said, playing devils advocate here if you will, if someone's advice in general helps another take less risks, and start planning for their future, that's still a win. It's all about being transparent, like you are right here, right now. Cheers!

  14. This applies to all of Youtube which by now has become the new mainstream TV.
    So in general, I avoid any channels above a certain popularity level. The best channels are those whose owners do run them with a financial interest.

  15. i cant stand the dooms dayer ones. not only are they wrong they are actually causing massive financial hardship to there viewers as they dont invest and get left behind while they wait for the big crash that never comes and even when there is a big dip or correcting they dont buy in because they think its going to go lower. PS the news is great watch it then do the opposite.

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