Paul Gabrail weighs in…


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34 thoughts on “When A Stock Market Crash Will Happen (REAL Truth) |”
  1. I recently sold off a good portion of my stock holdings totaling about $400k, with roughly half of them being tech stocks that i think are overvalued. Am i better off putting the money somewhere else or sit out and wait for a correction?

  2. Absolutely love it!!! I'll have to be financially stable in every sense before purchasing my first supercar. The best thing to do with your money is to invest rightly because money left saving will end up with no returns

  3. I really appreciate your clear and simple analysis of the financial trap. I lost so much money in the stock market, but now I'm making over $150,000 every week trading various stocks and cryptocurrencies.

  4. Worst stock market crash in history was in 2008…. The same people are ruining this country again and they took out the infratructure first so when a crash happens it will be crashed for a while.

  5. I think valuation to GDP is not taking into account devaluation of the dollar and real interest rates. Today we have positive real rates with positive risk free return. This means current valuations are over priced to a much greater degree than in 2021 when we had a negative real interest rates. All in all , this is an election year so I’ll bet in a solid economy but 2025 all bets are off

  6. I think a crash is not people should look for . We’ve only had two since 1929 and …1987 due to program trading and derivatives and 2008 due to easy lending and shady mortgage rating agencies with the loan buyers over leveraging those bonds. I think we are more likely to see a 1973 1974 decline.

  7. Biggest lesson i learnt in 2024 in the stock market is that nobody knows what is going to happen next, so practice some humility and follow a strategy with a long term edge.

  8. Correct. It's about dollar cost averaging. Even if the market crashes, start buying. The market always recovers over time.

  9. Taking early notes from Warren as to the importance of sound asset diversification and risk management It can't be overstated. I've been trying to grow my portfolio for sometime now and it’s been stagnant, I would greatly appreciate any other suggestions.

  10. Thanks Uncle Paul! Great video!
    By historical average of a stock, which metric are you referring to for a stock?
    I have always been wondering how to tell if a price is cheap or too expensive.
    Knowing the average would help give us a good idea, Thanks!

  11. Recessions are an unavoidable part of the economic cycle; all you can do is prepare for them and plan accordingly. I graduated into a slump (2009). My first job after graduating from college was as an aerial acrobat on cruise ships. Today, I work as a VP for a global corporation, own three rental properties, invest in stocks and businesses, run my own company, and have increased my net worth in the last four years.

  12. I'll bet ya big money that there will be a huge event in 2029 that crashes markets. 100-year events are not just pandemics and that will be 100 years from 1929…. mark my words and come back to this comment in 2029.

  13. Diaper Don said the stock market would crash if biden was elected.
    Hmmmmm it's still going up .
    Guess don the con was wrong again..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  14. What’s the chance 50% of people will pull out? Everyone is trained to hodl and not take loss. Most of the money invested are from people’s retirement accounts.

  15. Everybody keeps saying is so hard to see a crash yet just look for the yield curve to uninvert and and you have a 100% hit rate.. until then just keep trading as normal

  16. If our country wishes to keep our US over-bloated stock markets alive, the CEOs may want to think about reshoring back home to momma. That reshoring will boost our soon to be stagnated economy with higher wage earners. With the new lower middle class work force, comes new investors if given an opportunity to be shown how to invest their discretionary income by company paid investment managers.

  17. Roughly Β£120k in my portfolio are in tech/TSLA stocks, can I get an advice on any other stocks that I can acquire to diversify my reserve while creating a portfolio that balances my concerns of risk and returns that meet yearly inflation.

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