Lets discuss and review Acorns Investment App, go over all of its features, and whether or not it’s actually a good value – Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

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What is Acorns?
The basic premise is that they’re an app that helps automate your investing. And their most notable feature, in my opinion, would be their “round up” feature – this lets you invest the spare change from what you spend, and you can just “round up” every single purchase to the nearest dollar to invest the difference.

They also give you the option to setup recurring investments on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis… again, the entire purpose of this app is just to help automate regular and consistent investing. They’ll also let you see, real time, what your investments COULD be worth depending on your contributions…so it’s really meant to get you thinking about the long term.

Now in terms of WHAT they invest in, they say “Your investments are then diversified across more than 7,000 stocks and bonds and automatically rebalanced when the market fluctuates.” So basically, they’re investing in broad funds that track the market, very similar to the vanguard index funds I always talk about on the channel.

And when it comes to this, Acorns is what’s called a Robo-Advisor – this has definitely gained some popularity lately with other companies like Wealthfront, Bettermint, and M1 Finance to name a few.

If we go to their pricing tier, we can see that their basic service begins at $1 per month:
With that, you get the Automated investing where they round up the charge and invest the difference

Then, for $2 per month, you get access to all of that, plus Acorns Later – which is their IRA.

And finally…for $3 per month, you’ll get access to their checking account with debit card.

So overall, looking through everything on Acorns and spending way too much time on this…here are my thoughts and what I REALLY think of it:
Acorns simplifies investing and making it incredibly easy, to the point where you don’t need to think about it. The concept of rounding up is clever, it’s gimmicky, and I can see how it works. If Americans aren’t going to think about investment, they can just invest on Autopilot without making any difference whatsoever except for setting up an Acorns account. So from that perspective, I really like it.

HOWEVER…what I consider a negative for Acorns, is that if you just want to straight up invest a small amount of money into an index fund…and what to do it for TOTALLY FREE, you can do that with Fidelity.

If you’re investing with more money, Acorns slowly becomes more and more worth it as the $1 fee becomes a smaller percentage of the total amount you have invested.

BUT…I’ll admit, using Acorns is WAY better than doing nothing. For people who just can’t seem to save and invest any money, or don’t really take an interest to investing…this is BY FAR better than the alternative of just not investing.

Just my opinion, not financial advice.

For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness@gmail.com

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47 thoughts on “What you MUST know about Acorns Investing | Onlyinvesting.info”
  1. My mother always said; it's better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it!!! Acorns is designed to help those class of people that retire solely dependent on social security…which is another form of hell on earth!!! So keep it REAL, you earn a referral commission from acorn's

  2. Honestly acorn save me alot of times. I dont really notice it save money and also it invest. I started when i had my first job and when the pandemic hits i remember i have save up on acorn. I so happy with the app. ACORN help me more than my relatives. 😂

  3. I have some few amount saved for my children in fidelity but haven’t invested it yet ,would you recommend I invest it or just let it sit there ? I’m actually a beginner when it comes to investing and all . Please help . Thanks .

  4. Ew theirs a fee? I deleted the app because I thought it was free. come on if I really want to invest I can do it myself without a fee that's the thing

  5. The acorn shiva hand is a Nit comb on the top on the right they put it on the left so the new born can swap around thats why the removed the teeth on the right side on medusa

  6. I hated this video because it never told us what to do. There is a lot of information, not for the ignorant. I am still confused and do not know where to start.

  7. Thanks for the video, very interesting. Joined Acorns for the round-up feature only to find that my bank (credit union) does not support it.
    I think I'm going to look for a new way to do the same thing without the FEES! Fleas… whatever. Uh

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