Stocks: ‘Fed action’ could put the brakes on the market says analyst |

The S&P 500 (^GSPC) looks to close at a record-breaking level above 5000 points. While the move excites investors, some remain cautious over ongoing economic headwinds that can put a quick dampen on market sentiments.
Banrion Capital Management CEO Shana Sissel and Gradient Investments Senior Portfolio Manager Jeremy Bryan join Yahoo Finance to discuss the best ways investors can manage their portfolio as the S&P 500 moves to an all-time high record close.
Sissel comments on what could stop the momentum in the market: “I don’t really see a lot of headwinds for what’s going on. We have very strong economic growth. Very strong employment. But if there was anything it would be the Fed [Federal Reserve]. I think that most likely the thing that could put the brakes on what we’re seeing is the Fed not cutting rates the way the market thinks. They’ve been very clear that they do intend to cut rates this year. They’re not really sure how many times, the market expected six. The Fed put a kibosh on that.”
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6 thoughts on “Stocks: ‘Fed action’ could put the brakes on the market says analyst |”
  1. Jesus Christ Saves, Believe in Him, Believe in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Believe – Romans 10 Chapter 9 : 10; and – 1 Corinthians 15 Chapter 1 to 4; The New Testament – Bible. Glory and Thanks to Lord and God Jesus Christ.

  2. Are any of us really goingvto take advice off someone that's frozen their face to point it doesn't move and they look dead ..apart from lips moving that look so swollen as tho they have had a reaction to a allergy…. which person in this video am l talking about?? The fact you know instantly means…l rest my case. These people know nothing…. with war..inflation and total collapse of China…it could crash to historical lows…while if you in a index…your thriving recession loving companies could still rocket. No one knows. Only put in a index what you can afford to lose…savings high off all debt..then and only then invest….don't risk it if u can't afford to lose some of it. However…everyone should invest regularly..every month..regardless off ups and crashes as over time in a index..your investment will make you money…facts show all thru history this has been the case. The world's facing many challenges that are worse than mankind's ever faced before…no one has a clue what stock market will do 24hours from here unless you a time traveller..

  3. The employees being let go are selectively our perceived DEI employees! You see it in the magnificent 7 Tech Industry. The latest is Zoom which is Completely trashing its DEI program! Why? Because Trump told them to? Or the CEOs simply don't like seeing them around? Showing your stripes?

  4. Excelente video. ¡Gracias por mantenernos educados financieramente! Para tener éxito en el comercio de divisas como principiante, necesita videos como este, especialmente conectarse con el experto profesional adecuado, Stuart Michael, quien lo guiará para obtener buenas ganancias. Acabo de comprar mi primera casa a través del comercio.

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