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Today I’ll share with you the most important info that you can hear about investing and especially long term investing. I also discuss the bitcoin, compare it to the tulip mania, Jack Bogle, Brexit, Europe, metals and ETFs.

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  1. Every songle time I start one of you video, google push bitcoin/ether/block chain adverts.
    When I'm in the car I see them on billboards.
    At work during lunch people talk about it.
    No, it's not a bubble, can't be! 🙂

  2. Hi Sven, I'm an Italian investor and I know Italy is fucked but apart from investing in foreign stock markets, as I've been doing for the past 7 years, what can I do to protect my finances? Thanks for the attention and the amazing channel.

  3. Like you Sven I only buy into the hole (falling prices, sell on rising prices) but as you say it's hard for most investors to come to terms with that, It takes investment maturity to be in that mind set. Anyway re Bitcoin Hats off to anyone that purchased Bitcoin back when it was $2, I wish I was one of them. What interests me now is the recent news that by year end CMG will trade Bitcoin futures. Like it or not this will be a game changer to Bitcoin's price and price stability. Presently Bitcoin price is determined solely by supply and demand, the way true value should be determined. Once the CME futures are traded this will no longer be the case. "Will the dog wag the tail or will the tail wag the dog ?". My suspicion and dread is it will initially stabilize Bitcoin's price and then indeed ultimately the tail will wag the dog. This phenomena can be witnessed in today's pricing of precious metals, with the well publicised scandals.

  4. Thanks again Sven for another great, informative video. I have always loved investing and it is now one of my biggest passions in life. I love doing the daily research and finding quality YouTube content such as yours. Keep up the good work!

  5. Loved your comments on how things were 50 or 80 years ago. Most people may not think about it but cellphones were just starting to come out 20 years ago. First iPhone was released 10 years ago and companies like Facebook and YouTube are just over 12 years old. Even thinking what will be new in the world beyond 2 years may not that easy. Also, agree that when stock market goes down it is best time to invest for long term.

  6. Good week and a great video – though to be honest I can't say I'm too excited about the prospect of living to 100+… I don't think anyone can say life as an old person is anywhere near the same as being young. Now if they found a way to have you keep a young body and mind for 100 years I would be very interested in that!

  7. I love your videos and find them very useful and informative but I disagree with you on the this topic of long term investing. Buy and hold doesn't work anymore. When technology and cultural values are changing so rapidly around the world, you have to research companies and determine that it will still be relevant and profitable 20 years from now. Perfect example is Kodak. It was rock solid company in the 80s but was not able to adapt to disruptive technologies and disappeared. Therefore, if you are 20 years old today, i would not encourage you to blindly invest in the stock market thinking you will make money simply because you own more shares. Thanks.

  8. Great video. I agree about the value of market crash. It would be a gift from Market God if we had a steep but short-lived market crash tomorrow. The few stocks I have would probably go down, but I could handle that, given that my overall stock position is not very large yet. And I would really load up on stocks on the bottom – or so I imagine. But of course, we never know when the long awaited crash will come, we might very well have another 10 years of bull market ahead of us. And another possible problem – the coming crash might not be the 2008 type of short-lived crash. Instead, it could be the Japanese type of crash, which lasts for decades. I wouldn't like that.

  9. Hi again Dr. Sven,

    With China on your radar, whats your feeling about the new IPO SOGO, the new Chinese search engine that went IPO on Friday? They seem to be profitable and have about 400 mil Chinese users, they're also backed by Tencent. Most of Tencent's companies tend to be pretty successful.
    By the way, congrats in XIN's A++ earnings, but I was also wondering, you had mentioned once that buying back shares was not a good sign for companies, yet you lauded that in your discussion on XIN, can you please explain why that is good there.

    Your regular daily viewer,

  10. I'm still very hesitant and skeptical on bitcoin, and I didn't realize it was picking up that much interest in Europe and Africa. Thats an interesting observation.

    -Nicholas J. Paris – Stock Market videos Weekly!

  11. Another great video.  You're doing a great service by stimulating thought.

    Do you think everyone's going to get the sarcasm when you say Nigeria is famous for its "stable financial system and stable currency," and is a country "where people never, never, ever, get involved in pyramid schemes or other get-rich-quick schemes … never happens there."?!!  😉  (For viewers who didn't get the joke, here's a fun read: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2387359/Nigeria-country-corrupt-better-burn-aid-money.html).

    As for Bitcoin, the ICO market is even crazier by at least a couple orders of magnitude.  At least with Bitcoin it's one, recognized framework (ok, so there are a pile of lesser known cryptocurrencies, some of which will doubtless go poof!), whereas each ICO issuer is essentially creating its own currency.  Yes, technically it's "stock" signifying right to fractional ownership of a company, but there's absolutely no legal framework to enforce any benefits of fractional ownership under current law in any country that I'm aware of, including the U.S.  At present, there's zero government capacity for regulation, and companies going to market with ICOs with completely undefined terms.  It is truly the wild west.  China's government was so scared it banned them completely.  But that's not stopping them from popping up elsewhere

    Incidentally, on the subject of the the wild west, given your interest in metals and materials, if you haven't been, you should schedule a trip to Vancouver for the annual Cambridge House Resource Investing Conference (https://cambridgehouse.com/e/vancouver-resource-investment-conference-2018-69).  It's its own form of wild west.  Nowhere in the world of equities is there anything quite like the Canadian mining penny stock promoters.  You would love it.  (Schedule a few days extra, Vancouver is truly great city!).  And you'd come home with at least 50 new mining companies to talk about.  😉

  12. Hmmm.  Have to disagree with your statement that tax cuts and changes in tax policy generally are zero-sum in nature … "if you give more to somebody, you are taking from somebody else, so the real impact of lowering taxes won't be seen that fast."  This is not true.  Regardless of whether you are a Keynsian or a Hayek disciple, there are two fundamentals at work.

    First, where tax policy changes incentivize a shift of money from unproductive form (cash-in-bank, on-balance-sheet, offshore) to productive form (CapEx, expansion of operations, consumption), there is a net gain.

    Secondly, and more importantly, where tax policy winds up driving an expansion of credit (and this legislation drives $1.5 Trillion or more of credit creation!), this too is stimulative.  True, it is shifting from one to another, but it is shifting from one future taxpayer to one present taxpayer, and is near-term stimulative.  It's a back-door M1 boost.  At the lower-end of the economic spectrum, you will see the effect of the stimulus unevenly play onto the calendar, as there will be a disproportionate impact on the months of Feb-May, as those people go for their tax refund checks.

    As for corporations, it should be bubblicious for equities.  All that foreign cash being repatriated … sure, to help the politicians appease the sheeple, there will be lots of p.r. releases about new hiring, and there will be some honest-to-goodness increase in CapEx.  But there will be even more M&A and even more buy-backs, most especially from the companies with the most stratospherically overvalued stocks every time there is even a hint of a re-pricing.  Sure, a lot of companies have already de facto repatriated a bunch of that cash, by issuing debt against it, but there's still a non-trivial amount that's "new" money flowing from non-productive status.

    Which unfortunately is a shame for your viewers who are looking for the market to do the opposite — reprice to lower and more rational valuations where they can accumulate.

  13. Love the message Sven! It’s all about owning as big a percent of a quality business as possible. I root for some of my stocks to go down so I can buy more. It’s good to hear
    the message I regularly share with friends coming from you. Cheers!

  14. Hey, Professor! How are you doing? I really enjoy watching your videos. They strongly help start up my investments so far :). Keep up with the great content!!!

    I've got a question for you: How would you short the crash of the bitcoin? What are the trends we should be looking in order to profit out of that?
    Here in Brazil we have lots of piramids related to bit coins. Companies without any fundaments profting from the under levels, with lots of propaganda and lifestyle content.
    What about locally? How is it possible to get hints about when it's going to fall?

    Greetings from Brazil!! Thank you!

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