The U.S. has been pulling back intelligence and resources from the Middle East over the last couple of years, and the Biden administration is reportedly reconsidering the tactic. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.

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“In the hours following Hamas’ Oct. 7 assault on Israel, American officials rushed to determine if terrorist groups planned to attack troops and diplomats abroad. They immediately struggled.

The U.S. had spent years pulling back intelligence and military resources from the Middle East and shifting focus elsewhere, believing Russia and China posed greater threats. That shift was now being felt more acutely than ever.”


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42 thoughts on “REPORT: Biden Admin Weighing MAJOR Investment |”
  1. I said on October 8th, 9th maybe that we'd have a terror attack in the US within a year or 18 months. I still think that. I still think that it will blamed on Iran and that it will be used as the impetus for an attack on Iran. The GOP, tha Saudis, the oil companies, we know knew that prior to 9/11 it would take a "Pearl Harbor-like event" to motivate the US electorate to invade Iraq. We know that the same group at that time also wanted to invade Iran and destroy its infrastructure. Iran was part of the plan in '99 when PNAC put together the report about how to invade Iraq. We've seen this whole patter before surrounding 9/11. It's happening again.

  2. Notice there's a lot of bots here lately . Must be because president Biden has been first class with no
    sign of slowly done. A disaster for his sexual abuser opponent Rump in the polls and get worse :).

  3. The reason we support Israel is simple. There are 3 powers in the middle east Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Saudi and Israel are more on the U.S. side and Iran is on Russia and China. So we have 2 of the 3 power players in the region on our side. It's about influence. Beau of the 5th colemn has a great video on this.

  4. Biden is done. However, we still need a democrat in the White House because, except for Biden, democrats are better on human rights universally and on the economy. Independent and 3rd party's, sorry Cenk, never get enough votes to win.

    Gavin Newsom, a democrat, should be urged to run for president because he has given aid to the Palestinians, he seems to recognize their suffering and He Can Win in 2024.

    Trump would do even worse to the Palestinians than Biden is doing. Trump gave Jerusalem to the Isrealis and he too gave BiBi aid and weapons and everything that BiBi wanted.

  5. How many other nations are sending money to Israel and Ukraine? I want to know how much money has been poured into this issue by all the “allies”.

  6. Oh … of course what’s meant is investment in espionage, not in solving the problems that give rise to discontent and violence. The latter are assets for globe-spanning capital, which wants to manipulate instead of mitigate.

  7. The constant — much older than the existence of the State of Israel — is that war itself is a profitable racket. That’s apart from victory conditions that (when actually relevant) tend also to profit big capitalists at the expense of most citizens.

    In the Middle East, Israel has been increasingly aligned with the Sunni faction in the ancient division of the Muslim world. Again, big oil interests headquartered in the USA and UK played a key role in creating the dominance of the House of Sa’ud long before the inception of the State of Israel.

    The deposition of the Shah of Iran made the latter nation an actually sovereign power instead of a mere puppet. The U.S. temporarily preoccupied Iran’s nearby enemy the Taliban, and more decisively removed Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party from minority rule over the Shiite majority in Iraq (which is not necessarily aligned with Iran on every issue, but more cognizant of shared interests).

  8. Well, good luck to them. I don't agree with the Biden policy on Palestine. But I think it is better than what Trump or the Republicans will bring to the region. They need to blame themselves for choosing conflict instead of peace.

  9. You got this all wrong. America's undying support for Israel is due to 70 – 80 million Christian fundamentalists, a considerable voter base in the US, which has a warped version of the End Times, in which Israel plays a crucial role, needs a strong Israel to fulfill their (self-fulfilling) prophecy to come true. The overarching interest of America in The Middle East is due to the fact it needs a strong Israel for its beloved End Times prophecy to come to fruition. "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!"

  10. I can imagine similar discussions a couple millenia ago, when the romans were trying to maintain their crumbling empire.

    But, they didn't have wall street and the MIC to pacify….

    Fourth turning; we've some major changes in our lives, government coming.

  11. What do we get from Israel lets see; they train our cops to be even more brutal and fascist than they were before, we get free assassination coupons from their specops, and we get to say we are the #1 least antisemitic country in the world (not totally antisemitic, to Israel everyone and their dog is antisemitic just in case they need to blame someone for something)

  12. The US can pull out or stay. There will be no peace because the feud goes back to old testament times. One is not going to wipe out 3 millennia of hate. All it will take is one wrong look, comment taken the wrong way and somebody will say I remember what you did to my great, great, great, great ….. great grandfather and I must avenge them.

  13. Dr siyavash zar : senior adviser the Republican
    Party of America 🇺🇸
    دکتر سیاوش زر : مشاور ارشد حزب جمهوریخواه امریکا 🇺🇸
    daily quote:
    The strategic policy of the United States regarding the Middle East region, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran.The strategic importance of American foreign policy relies on the distance between the executive and legislative branches.The executive branch, which the president is the executive of according to the law and has special powers called executive power, can act according to national and party interests or, as Joe Biden does, according to individual desires, which is still legal, but has a different function than 100% national interest.The executive power belongs to the House of Representatives and the Senate, but the executive is responsible for making laws and supervising their proper implementation, which is the basic pillar of democracy in the country.Result: It was said that the head of the government, who is the president, has always confused the United States in terms of foreign policy due to the power of vetoing the approvals of the parliaments and the exercise of party power in order to advance party and sometimes personal goals, as in the case of Biden. It raises questions and under-questions. Today’s conditions governing the chaotic situation in the Middle East are proofs of this claim.

  14. Let's talk about the Presidential election in 2024. Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC push a false binary. You have to "choose" one bad guy over the other bad guy. This is bullsh*t. We MUST no longer accept the "lesser-of-two-evils" argument anymore. We must stop being sheep and stop listening to the rich media elites. We must stop being suckered into the culture wars that the government and the media uses as weapons to divide us. We must wake up and realize it's them vs. us. The Declaration of Independence declared that, “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”

  15. CORRECTION: YES we did get intelligence about 9/11 from the region but it was Bush that ignored it the same way Israel ignored Hamas!! You knew Cenk to be ignorant just to push your propaganda 🙄

  16. Great, why am I not surprised that the North American government is trying to get our asses back into another war with the Middle East ?

    Seriously, this freaking country could do with less armed conflicts.

  17. The “Samson Option” author Seymour M. Hersh topics Pollards USA spy’s stolen intelligence secrets transferred to our good ally” Israel. All while we trust them so much 300-400 NSA agents are monitoring Israel a supposed trusted partner. What’s in this genocidal war for us beyond complicity & loss of our security at home

  18. Great question anna. I have the same question as well as what is the end game here? What is Biden hoping to gain at the end of all this genocide? What are we as a country in this for? Terrifying

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