NYC CRISIS-3: Major Investors Abandon NEW YORK CITY, Trump Truckers Speak Out | TRUCKERS For Trump
#truckers #donaldtrump #investors #nyc

Trump-supporting truckers are saying they are refusing to drive to New York City after the former president was slapped with a $355 million fine in his fraud case last week.


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36 thoughts on “NYC CRISIS-3: Major Investors Abandon NEW YORK CITY, Trump Truckers Speak Out | TRUCKERS For Trump |”
  1. She and the justice system run by blacks for blacks (done very poorly and very fraudulently) The facts are what they are. Call a spade a spade. Like it or not it I'd a shame. Blame those you perpetrated this nonsense. But why don't prosecute and punish fairly and legitimately. Sorry you don't like this but I am 100 percent correct. Kevin you are absolutely correct your just not calling out who the problem is.

  2. This woman is confused because she hates Trump. Kevin is explaining actual truth and common sense of investing and being honest with the government. Kevin is 100% correct. You can bet your bottom dollar this woman will be in hot water from the media outlet she works for because she was unable to attack Trump here. Mind you, I did not vote for Trump and don't care for him but I am smart enough to see the communist like behavior of the left and how it threatens me and my family. Time to fight.

  3. They are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Trump because they know sleepy Joe is going to lose the election.
    No one is excited to see another 4 years of mumbling and incoherent babble from Biden.

  4. It doesn’t matter what the agreed upon dollar amount was by both parties. The bank could agree to pay double what your house is worth, agree not too, or pay triple for your car. If agreed by both parties, that’s the loan you have to pay back. And when paid back. Who is the court to come in and throw a wrench in our agreement that concluded

  5. … this is insane!! That judge should be immediately disbarred and lose his judgeship. I did investment real estate for 15 years and I provided my estimates of the value of properties and the banks would do their own valuation and make me an offer. The banks have the final say so, there was no way for me to over rule what they approve.

  6. Excuse me, what fraud???.
    Perhaps what Teump did are really common pratices in the unions' world. Only the poor commoms has to follow the rules and obey the law. The richest are above the law.

  7. The democratic part are so busy trying to condemned a man that has NOT been proven guilty for any crimes, and yet we have much evidence of the Biden Criminals, acts. These news cast are puppet for their bosses which has been proven to be criminals, . They don't seem to to do any research of their own

  8. And by the way exactly how are the People of NY going to get any of that money. Didn't they say for the People of NY??? Ya, The Liberal Politicians will be getting the money . No One Else will see a dime.

  9. I’m sorry. People keep calling this a victimless crime. We are allowed to sell our property at whatever price we want. What sets the value is the buyer. When getting financing, banks and mortgage companies do their own assessments. THERE WAS NO CRIME. This judgement is nothing but a hate crime.

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