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#8130811911 #indigopaints #beststockforlongterminvestment

Disclaimer: this is an education video and not a recommendation to buy or sell. Please do your own due diligence or consult your advisor before taking any action based on this video.

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34 thoughts on “Indigo Paints Share Latest News | Best Stocks For Long Term Investment |”
  1. Vivek bhai..The way you analyse the stocks and the way you deliver learnings to us is just fabulous.
    I am personally can tell you that after learning things from u i have started making profits..god bless you

  2. OPEC is gonna cut oil production…Crude gonna rise again…please make a video how much it can affect when india is buying from Russia…

  3. Great analysis, I bought into this last week on the advice of my adviser. Fundamentals are sound and there is a promise of good growth in the coming years. Thanks.

  4. Namste sir.
    Your guidance are always admirable.
    I want to become a student like Maharathi Devavrat who learn from his guru Lord prashuram and follow the teaching through out his life.

    For me you are one who creat a value in my life. The solu like you are greatest asset of our Nation. Please take care of yourself. You are the one of fortune perosn for all of us. I am eagerly trying to meet you but may be the right time is not yet come. From last 5 years i am learning about he investment but i reach to you now in 2023.
    I hope my right is started and your training sessions are like kohinoor for me.

    Thanks once again. Thanks word is very small for the perosn like you. I pray to the Lord Ramchandra for keep protecting you and your healthy and wealthy smile. …

    Take care sir. 😊😊

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