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How much should I have to invest to make 1 cr in 3 years
Dont invest in anything thay involves Kerala gov, you will loose ur money at the end
You never said how to get 14k from 12L which you mentioned at thumpin..?
Still not saying SEBI registered RA…but yapping like a buck
Better to choose a blank page, I was unable to focus because of this
Nothing new. Sorry. Also, the bonds for AA and less rating are highly risky.
Masala bonds have created up an investment route for global investors who have no access to the domestic market through the Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) or Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) route .It is primarily debt or borrowing for financing infrastructure projects !
नमस्कार जी
आप द्वारा मुझे ये जानना है की अगर मे हर माह सरकारी बॉन्ड मे 1 लाख रूपये निवेश करू ओर मुझे ब्याज साल मे एक बार ही चाहिए तो क्या मुझे हर माह मुझे हर माह 1 लाख निवेश करने पर रिटर्न्स ब्याज भी हर माह मिल जायेगा क्या…..
PLZ बताना जी….
Clickbait thumbnail – thumbnail says invest safely – and in the video he says bonds are not risk free
Please Telugu language sir
The Thumbnail – 14k per month from 12 L investment. This is 14% annual yeild
As video is about bond Market- assuming 12 L in bond markets, I could not find any Govt bond guaranteeing 14% annual yeild but max around 7-8%.Now i got more confused in this concept.
Is it ok to invest in dynamic bond fund? please explain
Masala bonds are those bond issued outside India wherein investor pay in INR, also helpful for investors if rupee appreciates. It is utilised by borrower to add diversed funds for debt refinancing, business expansion & branding . 🤞
Masala Bonds are the bonds iussed by Kerala Govt. from UK in 2018 .
For time pass good vedio
You are KAPIL SHARMA of stock market 😂😂😂
Masala bonds are bonds issued outside India but denominated in Indian Rupees, rather than the local currency
Please read the latest news on KTDFC. Government neednot it will be always all well.
I joined your channel at @akshat. But it still shows join. Payment deducted.
Masala bonds are rupee-denominated bonds issued by Indian entities in overseas markets. These bonds are used to raise funds from international investors, allowing Indian companies to access foreign capital without being exposed to exchange rate risk. The term "masala" was coined to give an Indian flavor to these bonds, similar to the use of "dim sum bonds" for Chinese yuan-denominated bonds.
Hi Akshat,
I like to know whether the interest rate here is fixed. In other words, once we chosen the specific bond @ interest rate of 9% with A+ credit rating. Will I get the same 9% till my maturity period?
Masala bonds are a financial instrument that allows Indian companies or organisations to raise capital from foreign investors in Indian currency (INR) rather than the local currency of the investor.
The minimum original maturity period for bonds raised up to 50 million US Dollars equivalent in INR per financial year should be 3 years.
The minimum original maturity period for bonds raised above 50 million US Dollars equivalent in INR per financial year should be 5 years
masala bond means to fund infrastructure projects to promote internal growth through borrowings
Hi @Akshat , From my understanding Masala Bonds are the bonds issued by Indian entities in Foreign Markets to raise funds in INR. From borrowers perspective 1) it reduces the cost of raising funds (as borrowing rate in developed economies is less than in India) 2)It also benefit borrowers in mitigating the currency risk (otherwise borrowers have to purchase dollars/euros etc and for that they have to buy them either in spot or in futures and have to hedge their positions). From Investors perspective 1) Even foreign small investors can invest in high yield bonds 2) Diversify their portfolio