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17 thoughts on “How to Create a Budget from Scratch |”
  1. I started taking budgeting seriously last November when I knew I had to save for car repairs to pass inspection by 12/31. I was amazed to see how much money I squeezed out of my budget! It really works. But the best part was I felt empowered because I could see how all my little 'wins' added up to something greater. It was the best way to create confidence that I can do it! Highly recommend Ramsey Solutions emphasis on budgeting. Prior to this I saw the word budget equivalent to wearing a straight jacket that said No Fun Allowed.

  2. I’m favoured! Despite the ups and downs in the economy, I'm so happy withdrawing $12K weekly profit out of my investment I just cleared my mortgage 7 months ago and I give back 20% of my weekly interest back to Charity. People should learn to invest more and spend wisely

  3. Rachel and Papa Dave advocate you don’t need a credit card
    What they leave out is the risks
    Of only a debit card. Don’t forget about identity theft . Who can take a hit better with their money you or the bank? 🤔

  4. I'd love to see you do this, on paper. Oh and with someone making under $100k. How do you accommodate huge differences in things like the electric/gas bill doubling for some months like mid summer and winter.

  5. I wasn’t able to get life insurance until 29 years old due to a pre-existing heart condition that God healed me from. Even though I was cleared at 18 I was not eligible until I think 7 years later.

  6. Is hair, make-up and nails a want or a need? Also, can you please differentiate between basic make-up to make yourself presentable and nails? What is really a need and what is really a want? Thanks in advance!!!

  7. What i do with the money that is currently sitting in my checking account? I have $2k, and I did the breakdown of 1 month paycheck and I will save up $290 each month. But the $2k I have in my account do I budget it in, or put in a savings account when I create one? I don't understand having your expenses to $0

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