Hot CPI data was a ‘wake-up call’ to people who got carried away, says Mohamed El-Erian |

Mohamed El-Erian, Allianz chief economic advisor and president of Queens’ College, Cambridge, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the latest market trends, the hotter-than-expected CPI data, the impact on the Fed’s rate path decision, and more.

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27 thoughts on “Hot CPI data was a ‘wake-up call’ to people who got carried away, says Mohamed El-Erian |”
  1. Absolutely love it!! The journey is not always easy, embrace persistence, patience and perseverance. Outline your goal and pull your efforts together to attain that goal. I had a fair share of struggles before diving into crypto last year. And let me tell you, it completely changed my life! So don't lose hope

  2. This entire clown show, the huge eminence front financial edifice, is about to be replaced by two guys in a garage (metaphor). What kind of "financial" system depends on the whims of one man. Everyone knows this but nobody points out that the Emperor has no clothes.

  3. If the first cut of just 25 basis points doesn't come until September and gets called a policy mistake because it didn't happen in June, then the economy is far more fragile than believed. You are just talking about 90 days. To me, this means that it's the market makers that ruin everything.

  4. I think the problem is, Government spending has been so excessive the past few years that it has “cancelled out” the impact of the rate increases. We’ve got to get a handle on the spending.

  5. Oh no, El-Erian said the famous stupid nonsensical phrase – "money on the sidelines". There's no such thing, except for granny's cash under the pillow. There is no sideline, only various banks, funds, co-ops, precious metals etc. to "park" your money.

  6. Hold on. If the economy is fine, and risk of recession is below 50% why should the Fed cut at all? Interest rates at 5% are still lower than historic averages. What’s the problem?

  7. No one should be talking about rate cuts. What is going on in the world should be calling for rate hikes. Financially responsible people are most damaged by the insane greed of the online casino called the market.

  8. I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks this year. Hope to make millions in 2024.

  9. Artificially low interest rates again. What are artificially low interest rates ? If interest rates are low for years , then is that the new normal ? All of this undervalued and overvalued markets, prices, real estate is totally meaningless because the prices at anytime are the market prices which mean they are not undervalued or overvalued.
    Usually these guys and these financial commentary shows have to put on a show and tell you something. So they invent all these terms and ideas. No one can predict how a market or stock will do because past performance does not indicate future movements.
    What the Fed does is take data from the economy and adjust the interest rate accordingly. They are not in the business of labeling financial data as artificial or in a bubble or depressed. Those terms are basically meaningless.

  10. Fed let market believe 3 cuts. Fed is responsible for Marketplace expectations. Why is El Arian covering for the Fed. Fed should be increasing rates like VOLKER.

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