Deepfake CFO Tricks Remote Worker To Send Them £20m After ‘Video Call’ – only Investing Info

By Mar 4, 2024


Hong Kong authorities have initiated a probe into a significant financial fraud case after an employee, working for an undisclosed company, reported being deceived into transferring HK$200 million (£20 million) to fraudsters during a deepfake video conference call.

The Hong Kong Police Force confirmed that they had received a report from the victim, who fell prey to individuals “posing as senior officers of the company”.

According to the police statement, the employee reported the incident on January 29, revealing that the deception occurred through video conference calls where the impersonators convincingly portrayed themselves as high-ranking company officials, directing the transfer of funds to designated bank accounts.

This case underscores the growing threat posed by advanced technologies, such as deepfake technology, which allows cybercriminals to manipulate visual and auditory content to create realistic impersonations.

In this instance, the fraudsters exploited the trust established through video conferencing, leveraging the victim’s belief that she was interacting with genuine company leaders.

The Hong Kong police are now working to trace the origin of the fraudulent video conference calls and identify those responsible for orchestrating the sophisticated scam.

The police force stated that, following a preliminary investigation, the case has been categorized as “obtaining property by deception” and is currently under the jurisdiction of the cybercrime unit. As of now, no arrests have been made, and the investigative process is ongoing.

According to RTHK, Hong Kong’s public broadcaster, the affected individual is a clerk employed by an undisclosed multinational corporation.

Acting senior superintendent Baron Chan was quoted speculating that the perpetrator potentially employed artificial intelligence to carry out the deception.

Chan explained: “(The fraudster) invited the informant (clerk) to a video conference that would have many participants. Because the people in the video conference looked like the real people, the informant … made 15 transactions as instructed to five local bank accounts, which came to a total of HK$200m. I believe the fraudster downloaded videos in advance and then used artificial intelligence to add fake voices to use in the video conference.”

Cybersecurity experts have stressed the need for heightened awareness and enhanced security measures to protect businesses and individuals from falling victim to such deceptive practices.

The incident highlights the vulnerabilities associated with remote communication channels, particularly as remote work becomes more prevalent.

As companies continue to rely on virtual meetings and video conferences, there is a pressing need for robust cybersecurity measures and employee training to prevent financial fraud and unauthorised fund transfers.

Authorities are urging companies to implement stringent authentication protocols, conduct regular cybersecurity training sessions and invest in technologies capable of detecting deepfake content.

As the investigation progresses, businesses are advised to remain vigilant and take proactive steps to safeguard their financial assets against evolving cyber threats.

The Hong Kong police’s commitment to investigating this high-value fraud case reflects the seriousness with which authorities are treating such incidents.

As technology continues to advance, businesses must adapt their security strategies to stay ahead of cybercriminals who exploit innovative methods to carry out financial scams.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the need for ongoing vigilance and collaboration between law enforcement agencies and businesses to combat the escalating threat of deepfake-related fraud.

The financial implications of the deepfake CFO scam extend beyond the immediate loss of £20 million.

It underscores the potential damage to a company’s reputation, trust among employees and overall financial stability.

The victimised employee, who acted in good faith during the supposed video call, now faces the repercussions of a devastating financial loss.

As the investigation unfolds, businesses are urged to stay vigilant and foster a cybersecurity-aware culture.

Employee awareness and education are crucial in preventing falling victim to such scams, ensuring that remote workers remain vigilant and verify the authenticity of all online interactions.


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