AI is the largest tech investment opportunity over the next 5-10 years, says Sylvia Jablonski |

Sylvia Jablonski, Defiance ETFs co-founder and CEO, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the latest market trends, Tesla’s Q1 delivery numbers, impact of AI, and more.

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30 thoughts on “AI is the largest tech investment opportunity over the next 5-10 years, says Sylvia Jablonski |”
  1. Put me on the record, I am a buyer of Tsla stock at these highly discounted prices. Why they are practically giving away the shares at these ultra low prices.

  2. It's going to get a lot worse for Tesla. Because EVs have been marketed as environmentally friendly, the vast majority of EV buyers are politically liberal and progressive. Conservatives think climate change is a hoax so they reject EVs, chant "Drill, baby, drill!", and overwhelmingly buy gas guzzling SUVs and pick ups to express their political ideology. Musk's far right rantings has really alienated potential buyers. Many have vowed never to buy a Tesla until Musk is no longer associated with Tesla. Another problem for Tesla is that their cars are not actually environmentally friendly. The Toyota Prius Prime is the #1 green car for 2024 and the rest of the top 12 are hybrids, PHEVs and small EVs.

  3. I have no idea why they keep betting on this self driving stuff, along with this robo taxi nonsense. Also why are they keep calling Tesla a tech stock when it falls this much when car shipments are lower than expected.

  4. I’ve had majority of my holdings in tech stocks and irrespective of market changes, I’ve done pretty well especially with apple’s P/E(price to earnings ratio) gaining over 30% this past decade, now my questions is what stocks do you think will be the next apple in terms of growth for the next decade.

  5. The latest fwd development of fsd represent a major breakthrough. A change of trend will be apparent in car gurus used car prices within next months especially for cars equipped with fsd. This will foster stronger demand counteracting some of the juniperosbourne effect

  6. Sylvia, i love the quote " i think this is the first time they have a lot of head winds facing them" what!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!? Jablonski, get your heaski out of your assssski. hehehe, its one of the most pathetic and historically inacurate statments i have ever heard about Tesla. A company that was close to going bankrupt durring the financial crisis and now is of the the biggest in the world. i wonder if she has some shots and is trying to get some idiots to sell… hmmmmmmm…

  7. IT DOESN'T MATTER. We were living paycheck to paycheck during record low inflation, it's just worse now with high inflation. Even while the companies we work for were posting record profits, record buybacks, record Executive pay, record investment, record high stock prices,
    There's only one group that consistently does well during economic upturns and downturns and it isn't the WORKER.

  8. Oh sure. AI is a large investment opportunity now.. But it will entirely invalidate the core labor side of our economy in a few years. Soon it will break this game y'all have been playing, to keep power over everyone else.

  9. Sold my APPL before it tanked, will buy at next major drop. I’d definitely need to make use of the $250k liquidity elsewhere. So what should I be looking at? Large cap or small cap stocks? Maybe crypto?

  10. Mercy is an essential aspect of God's character. Scripture tells us that "God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6). God's mercy is seen throughout scripture. In the Old Testament, we see God's mercy when he rescues the Israelites from slavery in Egypt

  11. Yes, the market crash is a good time to buy and some investors look forward to unstable markets to make profit, It's time in the market, not timing the market.I made my first million during a self acclaimed foreseen crash, what i can say to early investors is diversification and solid management. i reserve gratitude for Anna Rounds Fay my humble CFA . smart investing is key

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