In my opinion personal finance is pretty straight forward, and what it really comes down to is having the discipline and the correct mindset related to money and applying that consistently. In this video I am going to share with you as quickly as I can, 10 finance tips that have genuinely changed my life. I hope that you enjoy the video and take something from it that will help you in your own finances!

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⭐️ Timestamps ⭐️
00:00 | Finance Tips
01:14 | There is Endless Opportunity
02:28 | It’s Not What You Make, It’s What You Keep
03:25 | If You Can’t Handle $1,000, You Can’t Handle $1,000,000
04:23 | What Gets Tracked Gets Improved
05:26 | Investing & Saving Is A Habit
06:42 | Utilize Credit
08:05 | Accountants Are Worth The Money
09:20 | Diversify But don’t Overdo It
10:33 | When Starting Out Focus On Earning
12:24 | Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness But It Does Buy Freedom

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-Tech With Tim
-Finance Tips
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47 thoughts on “The Only 10 Personal Finance Tips You’ll Ever Need |”
  1. There is a stigma for credit cards? No there is not stigma, we have been conditioned by banks to play kissie-face with them. They are a business scheme based on psychological tricks to get people to be in debt to the banks so the banks can make lots and lots of money. They steal from the low and middle class. YOU might be able to pay them off on time, but most cannot. Most people are terrible with money. Credit cards make people psychologically pay more than they normally would using cash, they do not activate pain receptors in the mind when in use. You are incentivized by a carrot on a stick to use them, to spend more so you can "get more back". These tricks are evil at best. You do not have more money by using credit cards vs just saving. You can get loans underwritten, you don't need a credit score to get a morgage, get an apartment etc…

  2. Hey Tim, I'm really thankful for that video. I'm 17 and I made a bunch of money as a software developer, but I'm super confused what to do with it. I live with my parents, so I don't really have any expenses, but what scares me that rate of inflation in my country is hitting 20%. I started looking on some investments, but it's so complicated, however thanks to your video I'll try to apply your tips and not care that much about investing, instead I'll just pick 3 and put my money into them, and spend rest of the time on improving myself. Love you Tim <3

  3. very cool. I have two polar opposite parents to learn from and decided saving is better than borrowing.
    I'm grateful for my past self's decision as I live in England and bought a shared owner property at the age of 25 – nothing more than a decent paying job and actively (not passively) saving.
    I've gone through peaks and troughs of saving and now that i work from home I'm able to put away Β£600 a month and already have a 70% stake on my property.
    It's a shit sitch for kids trying to get on the property ladder. But I imagine a lot of 40-50 year olds right now were looking at a 3-bed house thinking wow Β£250,000 is a lot of money! Maybe I should just rent.
    I've only just started the video but wanted to share this bit of advice I adapted from many years ago.

    Don't think of money as currency – think of it as pieces of a mirror that reflect yourself. What do you see in that reflection right now? Don't really care if it's a car, holidays, a house, healthy food, gaming rig. As long as your finances are not reflecting a nice car, and fancy stuff when you're also saying "oh man i wish i had a house" And also accept when you're making good choices with your finances. Focus on your relationship with money as well as the material things!

  4. Typical software engineer. Gets successful in one field, and thinks he knows everything about everything.
    Most people don't need accountants; people with a business and millions of dollars often do. Sure good credit helped you buy the house, but probably the net worth of over 1 million dollars did too.
    You have a successful youtube channel, and that is praiseworthy, but don't pretend that (1) it makes you a skilled businessman, especially in non-youtube businesses (2) that you an expert in other fields, such as personal finance or physics simulations (3) that it even makes you a skilled software developer.
    Your tutorials are great, but i'll take my finance advice from experts in finance.

  5. Love the advice. I recently finished studying java and just got my first job, starting monday. And feel like tip #9 gave me some nice insight and way of looking at it when I just started this stage of my life and career.😊

  6. Hi Sir now I am pursuing integrated mtech 5 years course specialization in data science now I completed 3rd can you please say how to and how much I need to prepare to get decent job as fresher in data science sector because there are vast number of topics I am very confused like upto how many concepts I need to cover as a fresher to get decent job in data science secto

  7. Ah yes… like everyone can sell wrist bands/pokemon cards…

    You don't seem to realize how much different you are from most people and that they can't do the same.

    That's not to say that none of those tips would work but it's mostly a way to maybe avoid debt and save off a bit and not much of a way to make money.

    the only way to make money is either find a good job which is hard, or have already money and find how to make good investment.

    also people tend to lie a lot about this subject and claim they did it all by their own when in reality they started out rich and just got richer but they instead claim they did it from nothing on their own.

    I get the impression you reproduced the same bullshit.

    but of course perhaps in your case you really did it from nothing.

    after all you are clearly very smart and talented so maybe…

  8. Didn't expect this topic from your channel. Good content, solid advice. I learned point10 very hard way πŸ™‚
    thank you for sharing.

  9. thank u for the video its full of helpful tips
    to Summarize :
    consult the pros / luv to accoutants /
    track improvement
    lvl up skills
    stay active /doers not planners/

  10. A lot of great tips here. The keys that have worked for me is get out of debt as fast as possible and stay out of debt. Make a habit of consistently saving and investing even if it's a very small amount. I followed Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace" baby steps plan. You can do a search and find it online or listen to his podcast or radio show. His plan takes consistency and discipline but it's almost bulletproof if you follow it.

    I disagree with one of Tim's tips – it's not a good idea to use debt or have a credit card. The vast majority of people do not have the discipline to pay their balance every month forever and will eventually end up getting themselves into a mountain of debt and get eaten alive with interest.

  11. Hey Tim. this video really helped mee, coding + finance is the best combination there is. I just want to say this video really really helped me clear my head. I am Grateful.

  12. # personal finance tips by Tech with Tim

    1. Believe that there is endless oportunity to make money.
    2. is not what you make , its what you keep!!
    3. if you cannothandle a 1000$ you cannot handle a million.
    4. What gets tracked gets improved!
    5. Investing and saving is a habbit.
    6. Utilize credit.
    7. Accountants are worth the money.
    8. Diversify but not overdo it.
    9. starting out, focus on making money rather than investing.
    10. Money does not buy happiness but it buys freedom.

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