In this episode, Chelsea breaks down some of the most common budgeting mistakes we’ve seen people make over the years, from not tracking their spending to using the wrong tools.

Things you’re not budgeting for video:

Subscription spending:

Impulse buying in 2020:

Excel formulas article:

American savings:

Direct deposit stats:

Qapital app:

Side hustles video:

Negotiating video:

Emergency fund challenge video:

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48 thoughts on “9 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Budget Without Realizing It |”
  1. ExCUSE ME! I will have you know that my budget spreadsheet is a work of ART!! My student loan only comes in three times a year so I'd be lost without it each week!

  2. Hey guys, can you create more videos about investing? Could you please talk about MERs and how money manager fees cost you millions in the long term? I feel like budgets are far more intuitive than index funds. Not to mention, you guys have a ton of videos on budgeting and spending money wisely and very few that delve deep into investing.

  3. What's with the hate on Excel?
    You do realize that Excel can do all the math for you, don't you? That's why people use it. You don't actually have to do any math in Excel "manually". 😉😅

  4. I spend so much money on necessities—food, healthcare, toiletries—that I don’t know how to begin to budget—I just buy what I need but don’t have much left to save. I rarely spend a lot of money on clothes and my rent is very cheap (I live in a crappy apartment that honestly might have some mold so I should prioritize moving to a nicer apartment). Does anyone have any advice about mindset with these kinds of issues? I make 50k/year (before taxes) and also have healthcare expenses (I am rehabilitating from a knee injury and surgery).

  5. This is great advice. I've been using 1 credit card for all of my monthly expenses; including doctor appointments. Excluding rent. I can keep track of all of my living expenses. Then, I pay the entire bill the following month. I rarely carry balance — except for extreme emergencies, that go beyond money I have saved for that purpose. Using this method- makes it easier to keep track of speding and savings. I also keep a physical record ; a couple of months in advance.

  6. Wow I am self sabotaging in most of these ways. How did you know? It is very helpful to know 1. others do this and 2. the bad habits can be changed. I feel a bit liberated and also about to delete my excel spreadsheet in favour of a budgeting app. What are some good ones?

  7. "Unless you like noodleing around in excel sheets in your spare time like a psychopath"
    Me sitting here with my excel sheet that I just learned how to do in my spare time 🥺
    😂 I don't think I've ever made it through a single one of these videos without being called tf out 😅

  8. Maybe i am too extreme but on the day of my salary payment i have 10% of my salary going automatically to investment (funds and crypto) throught automatic saving then 20٪ are transfer to my saving account. When i have salary i increase 25٪ goes to investments and between 25٪ and 50٪ of the raise goes to saving account

  9. I'm sorry, the average person spends how much on subscriptions?
    Ohhh wait that includes meal kits. Hmm
    Someone spending $273 on monthly make up or streaming services is very different to someone spending $273 on their food and other services

  10. Another urban spending issue: parking! I signed up for park & ride at work which is $15/mo, instead of paying $13 or 10/day to park at my office. I thought the park & ride would stress me out leaving my vehicle in a lot all day, but it is looked after and nice to be able to close my eyes for a few minutes on the way to & from work on the shuttle bus☺️
    Convenience spending gets me. Hello Grubhub! That’s for another day

  11. I also highly recommend only paying for subscriptions when you need them. Binge (a streaming service in Australia) had a movie that mum and I wanted to watch. I validated spending the $10 for a month because it meant we could watch that as well as the friends and Harry Potter reunions. Rather than keeping a service hoping to find something to watch on it, I buy the service when I need it to watch (hopefully) more than one thing

  12. Best thing I've ever done: put everything that's not a bill on a Credit card. Everything is lumped together. No more going over in takeout budget and giving up sticking to a budget. I just check my balance every week and make sure it's around .25 if my overall budget. Also sinking funds for things like clothes and gifts.

  13. Just give it a thought – – -. "To get highest returns from investments you should invest into properties in India." .. …… The best thing is you not only have a high return, secure investment …… but also an excellent holiday home for your family.
    ………… Anyone interested
    … ………… …. Contact a seasoned financial fund manager ( That's me. 🙌 ).

  14. I have a silly question: What should I call it if I budget, say, $200 for electricity but then the bill comes out to be $67? What is that $133? I’ve been writing “refund” in my records, but that doesn’t seem like the right word (it sounds like the money comes from the company) and I feel like an accountant would have a technical term for it.

  15. Are you kidding me?? Cable was like $55-75 for like 40 channels, where only 10 of them were any good even than only good after like 6PM because daytime TV sucked. Also it didn't even include internet.
    As for today even when I did have subscriptions I only ever had like 1-3 at a time which is way, way cheaper. Plus if I wanted to watch say Disney+ I would get rid of Amazon Prime during that period.

    Have you ever tried switching your cable plan and not have them trying to up-sell you to pay more?

    Side note: I think you can pay for Cable and use your account to log-into participating streaming services with your Cable provider account thingy.

  16. I rotate my streaming services. I only pay for 1 or 2, this month 3 based on what I want to binge that month or what new thing I want to watch. Right now it is HBO Max (cuz I binged the Nanny), Hulu (My husband wanted something on it), and Peacock (which we constantly have and get discounted as he works for Universal.)

    During the time I wanted to binge Stranger Things I swapped Hulu for Netflix.

    You can cancel or pause most of them without worry and then return when you want.

  17. Who in the wolrd spend 283$ on sub per month? Dont they heard of fire stick and else for 10$/month? Lol. Sad but free streaming is a must nowadays.

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