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39 thoughts on “5 Ways Rich People Make Money With Inflation | Onlyinvesting.info”
  1. The amount of money in circulation should equal the value of the goods and services we create. We use money because it is easier to carry than a chicken in the pocket but if there is no equivalence in the value of the goods and services and the money in circulation then we are screwed

  2. Logic does not apply in economics all the time, A natural calamity, anti-globalization and racism against your own people, Germany fighting France. If the crisis lasts for more than three decades, Your mortgage with high interest will eat up your wealth. The dollar may have suffered solid depreciation by this time. Then your million-dollar house is 500 thousand, one decade of 10% inflation you lose 10% of the value plus 5% interest you lose another 5% which is another 75k so now your house is only worth 425k and your mortgage is 6k, your heating price 1000 dollar, and electric charge is 1000 dollar per month that is for 3 decades 60k now your house only worth 375k If you are a middle class your 200k student loan will become 400 know you are lost in translation. Same for corporates too, out of 100 only 10 corporates survive this kind of financial depression. How many people has real wealth to buy gold coin, it is again your tax paid dollar. You may benefit a lot from it, but your bank holding it could be bankrupt, or the theif will come with metal detector and he can chop of your head and dogs head. If you try to shoot the theif be carefull they can be trained as good as a camando because this is trillions of dllar business. So tell me one place you can stalk your wealth. A bumber for nuclear weapn can be burned alive if it hit in the right place. Or surviving with third degree burn is real hell on earth with the amount of fear and stress.

  3. A recession as bad as it can be, can provide good buying opportunities in the markets if you’re careful and it can also create volatility giving great short-time buy and sell opportunities too. This is not financial advise but get buying, cash isn’t king at all in this time

  4. My wife and I did very well in the amount of money that we amassed for retirement. Well over 80% of that money was made because of taking advantage of buying high-end stocks at a deep discount during the Great Recession. 2009 I fired the stockbroker got rid of all mutual funds and bought individual dividend stocks. Be patient don't get scared and do your homework and you can make a killing.

  5. Yes stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are alot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.

  6. I am aware that continuing to invest during periods of volatility can be a smart way to build wealth. I’ve heard testimonies of people accruing over $250k in this red period. What measures can I take to achieve this?

  7. i agree with everything except bitcoin, your argument you can make a fortune but thats gambling not investing, thats why charlie bunger compares it to child pros. and praised china for banning it, infact bitcoin has dropped alot and wiped peoples wealth off the map, its so unpredictable whereas traditional stocks/businesses they have SOME measurability eg apple makes alot of phones true but it buys alot of semiconductors from taiwan and was said to recently pull out of the deal

  8. Inflation is far more harmful to individuals than a collapsing stock or property market because it directly affects people's cost of living, which they immediately feel. It is not surprising that the current market sentiment is extremely pessimistic. In today's economy, assistance is critical if we are to survive.

  9. "Leverage turns good deals into great deals"

    Tell that to Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and every collapsed financial institution in 📜history.

    Leverage is behind every bank/financial institution 🔻collapse.

  10. The big risks in this video is that you need to have stable employment to fund the assets you buy from loans. If you get fired, you lose everything during hyper inflationary market…very dangerous. That why buying houses and taking extra loans are the arena of the really rich people because they have diversification.

  11. I REALLY need to make this money work for me, and not just disappear over time. I've been scrambling for somewhere to put the money, where I can make an effort to use the gains to pay bills so I can quit my job or should force early retirement. All roads have pointed to the financial market of some sort which is a good idea buh where else should I put money besides the financial market? We have a 13% RPI rate so cash is tough.

  12. You had me until gold. I've considered it and reconsidered it over my manyy years and it still makes no sense. Be careful! I ran the numbers last week, in fact. Looking at this from a real value perspective, that is, excluding the effects of inflation making numbers big, fat and pretty, from 1969 to 2022 gold rose 81.8% in real value while cash in a mattress would have dropped 88% in inflated dollars. That may seem good enough but 53 years is a long time and there were ups and downs on the way. We call that "volatility". From '74-'76 gold lost over 31% of real value. Worse, it did it again from '80 to '92 with a loss of 67% of real value over 12 years. That golden bear continued until 2001 ending with a brutal 79% real loss over those painful 21 years! It mostly recovered by 2012, but not quite, then dipped just over 30% until 2018. With the pandemic it got a nice spike, though still shy of the 2012 highs and still well below the real value gold had in at it's peak in 1980.
    Had one sold a single troy ounce of gold in 1969 for say $42, being $344 in 2022 dollars, and put it into the S&P, it would be $31,082 in 2022 dollars or up over 9000%.

  13. The inflation has really eaten into my savings. Can't watch $167k be reduced to nothing because of poor economic decisions by the Government. I have heard about how the stock market can act as a hedge against inflation, but I'm not confident about navigating through the market and I need help.

  14. You're wrong about gold. What has the value of gold done in the past let's say 12 years, in real terms. Not nominal terms, real terms. It has gone down. How can it be a great inflation hedge, when in real terms it's gone down.

  15. Go to stores that have CLEARENCE $ELLS, and store them in your basement or spare room on racks with an inventory book, so when the banks fail, you have something that ALWAY$ HAVE VALUE.$$$

  16. Major indexes booked their worst yearly performance since 2008 thanks to drivers like the recession, war, hiked interest rate and inflation which so far doesn’t seem to be easing off, so I’m left wondering what 2023 has in store for us investors, I’ve been sitting on over $745K equity from a home sale and I’m not sure where to go from here, is it a good time to buy or do I wait?

  17. The concept China is using now to buy foriegn housing was created by someone named Fredrick from France (finance intel).
    He presented the idea to David, the head of france at the time so the country could use it in Russia as they had investments there that were stagnating. This would increase their value and they could profit that way.

    David, was funded by China already. He knew they were interested in these tactics so he sent Fredrick over to teach them this concept hoping it would increase his value to China.

    China captured and took his foot right away. Never gave him and he was France intel finance minister. Nothing, no attacks.

    David ask for some money, he got a billion more.

    It is nothing, a billion is nothing.

  18. It's hard to predict the future until we see this month’s inflation results. However, historical data consistently show that stocks tend to outperform bonds in the long term. Therefore, I'm staying in the market and focusing on selecting high-quality stocks. The challenge lies in identifying these stocks.

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