5 Financial Tips For You Broke Turds | Onlyinvesting.info

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21 thoughts on “5 Financial Tips For You Broke Turds | Onlyinvesting.info”
  1. In these uncertain times, it's more important than ever to have a solid understanding of how to manage your finances, invest wisely and navigate economic downturns. But my primary concern is how to grow my reserve of $240k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains, sure I'm all in on the long term game, but with my savings are lying waste to inflation and my portfolio losing gains everyday, I need a remedy.

  2. buying index funds like the S&P 500 and making money is not luck , unless you consider 10% average annual profit for 100 years is luck…of course dont buy individual stocks or bitcoin , but index funds are safe because youre buying the 500 biggest companies in the world… and its more growth than land or real estate

    you say youve never lost money on land ? …then you didnt buy anything from 2000-2007 , and then need to sell it between 2008-2015 (like many people did) …many people lost money and/or even went bankrupt on land and real estate during that period…regular home owners too , not just investors… the only way to never lose money on land or real estate is to not have to sell it for 10-20 years from when you buy it

    the cost of most things double every 20 years or so , just due to regular inflation… so if you bought a house for 200k and sold it 10 years later for 300k , you didnt make anything , its just inflation…because the house youll buy next increased the same amount usually……. but if you put that same 200k in an S&P 500 index fund 10 years ago in 2014 , today itd be worth $658k ….not just 300k …….because if the 500 biggest companies in the world are making money , so are you …because you own something "tangible" , which is a small part of each of those 500 companies

    is the market always up , of course not….but ill take a 100 year average through the great depression , 18% home loans in the 1980's , the dot com bubble in 2000 , the recession in 08-09 , and a pandemic in 2020 still being 10% annual growth AVERAGE as a good investment……best of luck to you all !

  3. Yea I had a country friend who tried to get a house he had cash and everything never had a credit card … the bank said we can’t give u a mortgage your not in Enough debt …. He had the money to pay for the house also he had an ex wife who was cheating on him and got him for child support and wanted his side gig money too … so everything isn’t cut and dry every situation is different… we all didn’t have farms or live in the country or have a grandparent leave us ten grand as an inheritance it’s hard to win when your Ice skating up hill

  4. There are people at my work who complain how broke they are, but I see them always eating fast food on their breaks or their just spending like $300 a month of various streaming services… Such a waste

  5. Can confirm. Better bust your ass, then bust your ass some more. Then bust your ass some more. And don't burn your money on junk and silly women.

  6. I was just thinking about this.. some people WANT to find excuses because they don't want to put the effort into working for themselves. This is why we seriously need welfare reform. If a person is genuinely destitute they will be eternally grateful for one room, a food box every month, & one Dr. visit per year. And that should be it. No FREE 3 bedroom houses, food stamps to buy steak & lobster, daycare to raise your kids for you, cell phones, furniture vouchers etc. Make people work if they want more. I am truly disgusted with this, our hard earned dollars are being stolen from us to hand over to freeloaders.
    *And to morons who say: well how's someone sposed to work if they got no daycare huh??
    Do a childcare trade. Work from home. Figure it out for yourself, that's the point.

  7. Pretending inflation and governmental mismanagement aren't having negative impacts on the economy and American people isn't helpinging the problem. You have good tips but let's be honest all the way around.

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