Hey everyone! I’m Aja Dang and today we’re going over five different budgeting methods to incorporate into your budget. These methods range from budgeting beginners (and those really bad with money tbh) to budgeting pros. Not every method is right for you so you’ll want to give them all a try before you find the method that works for you! (it’s very similar to Goldilocks in that type of way).

50-20-30 Method
Cash Only Method
Zero Based Budgeting
Value Based Budgeting
You Do You Budgeting


Chrisline Raymundo:


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31 thoughts on “5 Budget Methods To Help You Save In 2023 | Aja Dang | Onlyinvesting.info”
  1. I have always used the first method and it helps me save up pretty well but I agree with the overspending issue. I don't overspend every month but there are sometimes "exception", especially when I have extra income and it gets crazy 😂 The value based method is very interesting ! Maybe I will try this one for a few months

  2. The cash only budget is good if you need a hard money reset. There are also apps that create the envelopes for each category. Would love to know more about the value budget – how does that work practically, with numbers?

  3. Great video. I use a zero based budget, however, I have a line item called "buffer". Every month I allocate $150 to stay in my budget as a buffer and I use that to build my starting balance. I budget EVERYTHING down to zero but will NEVER leave zero in my account. TERRIFYING..lol

  4. I absolutely love these tips! I want to try the value based method!!💗 I tried the cash only for like 2 weeks and hated it hahaha. It made it so stressful and for purchasing online I was totally lost. Not to mention those ATM runs were a drag 😂 thanks for sharing this!!!

  5. I do a variation of the zero based budget… I have sinking funds for everything (shopping, personal care, dog fund, tax fund, etc) but have a monthly encompassing budget of PHP 12k (around USD 250) for living expense which includes bills, grocery, takeout because the prices vary too much for me to gague how much I will be spending on each category. Anything leftover from this 12k, I just put into any of my sinking fund.

    But this year I added back the percentage method wherein 30% automatically goes to savings, so I now have like 3 buckets for savings (general free to use shopping savings for all the small items that add up, lux shopping/splurge savings for treat yoself moments, and the mandatory 30% savings). Separating my general shopping and lux fund changes the game for me this year as I see a smaller number in each fund making me practice delayed gratification.

    Idk if I make sense 😂

  6. Would be interested to see budgeting methods when it’s not income based – for months when you don’t have an income, or you’re living off of savings and loans (currently in grad school).

  7. Can you do a video about the mindset shift you go through once you have an emergency fund? I’m struggling because i thought i would feel so different with a savings, but i just feel like those dollars aren’t being used / have a job!

  8. I've changed my mind all the time between cash budgeting and 50/30/20 budgeting. I'm glad that I'm doing a mixture of both and also applying for credit cards this month.

  9. Haha, Do you Boo! XD I started with cash budgeting as a teen and in college used 50/30/20. Now it is a conglomerate of zero-based spending/value-based cash savings. It is a fun journey of adapting to life's circumstances and being attentive of what you create with this tool, money. Thank you for sharing!! Peace and blessing to all <3

  10. Cash method worked really well when I had a lower income (during high school and uni) since you can see where every penny went. I didn’t have much savings, but I would do roundups to the nearest 5. So if a coffee cost £3.5, I would put £1.5 in a money bank 😂

    So cool to see how I’ve evolved as an adult and now using zero based budgeting. Totally agree about needing flexibility!

  11. Now I have more knowledge about personal finance. I just subscribed to your channel. Big ups to everyone working effortlessly trying to earn a living while building wealth in this recession. I’m 45 and my husband is 51, we are both retired, no debts. We are planning on relocating to Thailand. We are currently living a frugal and financially savvy lifestyle and generating passive income even during this recessionary period. Our commitment to saving and investing in the financial market has enabled us to maintain this lifestyle and continue earning monthly passively through investment""

  12. Great video! But they don’t accept cash in LA? What kind of dystopia is that? Cash is the only legal tender (currently). The cards can be void or rejected. Bad business. In Korea they offer discounts if you have cash much better culturally

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