10 Ways To MANAGE Your MONEY Better

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In this Alux.com video we’ll try to answer the following questions:
How do I manage my money wisely?
How do i manage money?
How can we manage money after getting rich?
What’s the best way to manage my money?
What are important principles to manage money well?
Where did you learn to manage money?
What should all young people know about managing money?
How to manage personal finances?
What are top advices about how to manage money?
What are the life lessons you have learned about managing mone?
What are the best ways to manage money?
Which is more important, making money or managing money?
How do high-net-worth individuals manage money differently?
What do you need to know to manage your money wisely?
What are the rules of getting rich?
What are the best ways to manage money?
What are the rules of saving money?
What are the best rules to follow if you want to save money?
How do people get rich?
Best money rules to build wealth?
What are the fundamental money rules you need to follow to become wealthy?

#alux #money #managemoney

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42 thoughts on “10 Ways To MANAGE Your MONEY Better | Onlyinvesting.info”
  1. Usually I found the channel's videos helpful… but not this one, not so much. To simply put it:
    steps 1-5,8,9 = budget
    steps 6-7 = save
    step 10 = improve finance knowledge

  2. I just made my budget. I can saved 30k this year with all my living expenses + vacation and clothes. Life looks finally good 🙂 Quite proud of myself. My goal is to have 500k on my bank at 30 8 years to go 🙂 let's see. Thanks for your Infos Alux

  3. I never keep a budget , what I do is I keep track of all my spending, and don't by what I don't need ,I don't eat out, take m.y home cooked food to work ,travel locally,so far so good ,money just keeps pipeline up.

  4. I have a graphic budget where I pay myself first.
    It's a white board on which I have all my different accounts and assets and arrows representing the monthly flows that are automatically programmed.
    It's slow but it works.
    I have money for emergency, traveling, house improvements, investments, income taxes, etc.

  5. A trick I do is .. well I get paid every Friday and have 2 banks ( local and online) When my money reaches my Local account I send X amount of dollars to the Online account which take 3-4 days , once that money reaches the account I send it back immediately to the local account which takes another 3-4 days shit by time that happens I done got paid again!!! #Repeat

  6. Hi everyone. Im from Vietnam i really need help, im in debt right now and i tried many way to stop paid the interest. Can u all pls help me how to make dicision to control everythings? Im single mom and im living with my two kids, they are 13yrs and 7 yrs old.

  7. After I graduated, I realized school taught me nothing about money. Then I found the book ‘the Richest Man in Babylon’ and learned everything about money that I was not taught. Also started watching videos like this. Lots to learn!

  8. I tried budgeting many times and when i did tow things life changed. There is only one line you need in the budget it starts with pay yourself first. Then shop like there is no return policy.

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